Whalley, Wiswell & Barrow Cemetery is nestled in a serene and secluded area between the villages of Whalley and Barrow. This peaceful setting provides a charming burial ground for the community. The cemetery offers traditional burials, pathside and woodland burials for ashes, and the scattering of cremated remains.
Location & Management
The cemetery is located on Clitheroe Road, Whalley, and is jointly owned by Whalley, Wiswell, and Barrow Parish Councils. It is managed by the Whalley, Wiswell & Barrow Joint Burial Committee, a sub-committee of Whalley Parish Council, represented by members of the council elected from each of the Whalley, Wiswell, and Barrow Parish Councils. The committee has the powers as set out in the constitution and management of the cemetery is governed by the Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977, as amended by the Local Authorities' (Amendment) Order 1986, along with other relevant regulations from the Secretary of State for the Home Office.
Lawn Cemetery & Pathside Plots
The main area of the burial ground is a well-maintained lawn, divided into two distinct sections: one for the Roman Catholic faith and the other for the Church of England and other faiths. The Church of England side features pathside plots for the interment of ashes, while the Roman Catholic side includes hedgerow plots for ashes. Grave plots can accommodate up to two interments and up to four caskets of ashes.
Woodland Area
Our woodland area is dedicated exclusively to the interment of ashes and offers a beautiful alternative to traditional burial settings. Surrounded by a stream and set amongst trees, this area provides a perfect setting to remember your loved ones. Each woodland burial plot can hold up to four caskets of ashes. The area features paths for easy navigation and benches for contemplation, with minimal interference to encourage the natural habitat. Our groundsman ensures the cemetery is regularly maintained to a high standard. All memorials and inscriptions must be applied for and approved by the cemetery to ensure they meet our standards.
Reserving a Plot
Reserving a Plot You can reserve a grave plot for future use by applying to the cemetery and paying the appropriate fee. Upon allocation, an Exclusive Rights of Burial Grant will be issued as proof of ownership. Exclusive Rights of Burial are a property interest in the cemetery plot, which can form part of a deceased persons estate. These are typically inherited by decendants or individuals specified in the deceased will, or in accordance with the grant of probate, if no explicit nomination exists, subject to compliance of legislation and cemetery rules.
Funeral Arrangements
You may choose your own form of burial service, whether it be religious, personal, or no service at all. If you use a funeral director, they will coordinate all arrangements with the Registrar in accordance with Cemetery Policy. For other arrangements, the Registrar will handle all necessary paperwork and organise the interment.
Visiting the Burial Ground
The cemetery is open from 7:30 am to sunset. We ask that children are accompanied and that dogs are kept on a lead at all times and cleaned up after. There is no dedicated car park, but there is a turning circle and entrance area, which must be kept clear during a burial in progress. Unrestricted parking is available on the main road.
We offer Parish Rates for residents of Whalley, Wiswell, and Barrow, and Standard Rates for residents outside these parishes. Fees are available upon request. For more information or to make arrangements, please contact the Cemetery.